I feel obligated to do a quick post about an inexpensive, but in my opinion, one of the most impactful upgrades you can make to any motorcycle...your lighting!
LED lights are much brighter and incredibly inexpensive for the improvements you will literally see right away. Most come with instructions, only take a little elbow grease to install and click into place, and seldom require modifications to your stock setup.
The photos below give nice side-by-side comparisons. Just pay attention to what you are buying so that they fit for your model and won’t require a load equalizer to fix rapid blinking. My gauge indicator blinks faster, but the lights themselves blink at the same speed. To me that's a compromise well worth the safety and functionality improvements!

Look at this difference in brightness!

Use a flat-head screwdriver to pop your stock lense off. Be gentle as it doesn't take much and you don't want to mark your paint.

I found it helpful to use small vice grips to gently hold the center of the bulb to compress and twist it down into place.
