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New England adventures, new friends, and reflections

Writer: TylerTyler

I've been away for a minute...a lot of minutes.... What have I been doing that I can't find time to write some posts? Well...looking for a place to land permanently/semi-permanently...a new job...almost lost some fingers in July...ya know just the day to day stuff...

Lot's has been happening over here this past summer and now that its winding down, I have been reflecting quite a bit about this years moto adventures. Where did I feel like they went exceedingly well? Where did they (or I) fall short? All in all, after about 9k miles it was an awesome season (still some time left but its about over) on my newest project bike. I saw tons of new places, made new friends, lived through new experiences and most importantly I learned so many new things about myself. For now just a couple quick lessons/notes...

The first lesson isn't even a damn lesson...this was pure stupidity on my part. I was reminded the hard way that you don't put your damn helmet on your side mirror. The first stop on the first leg of this Summers road trip to Wild Rabbit in Boston started off with a fresh helmet drop after 6 hours on the road. Can't even be mad when it your own dumb fault.

Second lesson? If you don't want to run saddle bags that is FINE, but make sure your damn travel luggage situation is in order. Granted, I have no control over some mfg. delays of my sissy bar back in April, but that first road trip with the bag on my back vs. on my sissy bar SUCKED. I wouldn't go back and change my itinerary, but I sure as shit won't do that again. Furthermore, buy a sissy bar bag. I scratched my rear fender with bungees and all that crap. Quality sissy bar bags are more than worth their weight in gold, so go get one if you've been on the fence. I love my Saddlemen bag and its worth every penny IMO.

Third lesson, and the general premise behind this post, is to go out of your damn comfort zone. I know that is way easier said than done for many, but I am glad I put myself in places and at events that I hadn't previously. Don't sacrifice your joys for someone else or for reasons that really aren't justifiable. Get out there and do it my friends. The people that I met have become friends and social connections that I know I can rely on if I am ever in their neck of the woods, or we can collaborate, or we can just chat about life and motorcycles.

I have a new friend for life in Maine who let me stay at her house for almost an entire week!!!! We talk on a regular basis and she has really become a beacon of positivity in my life. Her energy and optimism is contagious and what this world needs more of, and I know for a fact she and I will continue to become even better friends. She wanted to ride, but I had to say no without the sissy bar due to safety this was the compromise :) (Also note, in this picture I still hadn't learned my damn lesson from that helmet drop I mentioned above...)

I ended up missing someone who I had met through Social Media that is a badass artist and motohead (@nycekt -- go check her out!). We were supposed to link up at WildRabbit then again in CT because of my job hunt, but in the end I know I will get to meet Taryn soon enough. We WILL link up and it will be awesome because how could it not be? If you follow her socials you will realize quite quickly why I say that with such certainty. Check out the piece below from @nycekt that I won in a raffle! When I build out my moto shop this will be one of the first things I hang! <3

Lastly, to the strangers and one time encounters with SO many people that may not end up being friends, you are all certainly a part of my lifelong memories.

I could write for days about these "lessons" and experiences. Motorcycling is a community. Some parts of this community, like many others in our society, have been infiltrated by hatred and bigotry. However, what I mostly experienced this summer was nothing but joy, love and welcoming arms by complete strangers across 8 states and 8,000 miles! I did not hit the 10k mark this season, but I also missed the entire month of July because of my hands so maybe next summers adventures will be bumped to 12k miles instead :) Cheers!



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