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Passenger Pegs Installation

Writer: TylerTyler

With this build I wanted to ensure I could incorporate one of my favorite aspects of riding...having that special someone with you when the opportunity presents itself for a nice 2-up ride or adventure.

Many ‘48 builds, bobbers or similar style bikes omit passenger options. Whether that be for the cleaned up rear fender look or personal preference, you will notice the majority of these bikes just don’t have the space or option to take a passenger. For me, I knew from the get-go that I wanted the option regardless of what extra work or aesthetic challenges I may run into. Installing the passenger pegs is the first step in ensuring I can have a passenger....the second and more challenging is the cleaned rear fender....more to come on that...

Take a look at the video below to watch my installation of both passenger pegs.

High-lighted photos below show the bolt locations to install the passenger pegs.

Left-Side: Two Torx T50 screws

Right Side Brake Linkage Mount: Two Torx T40 screws

Right Side Frame Mounting Point -- Three 5/16 Allen Key Screws. Note in the video this is where the passenger footrest is mounted, and the brake linkage is now screwed into the footrest mount with the Torx T40 screws seen in the above photo.



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