*Disclaimer: I know its the taillight and not the headlight. Like I said in my intro video...awkwardness on point :)
In preparation for my solo springer style seat arrival, and the shortened rear fender, I wanted to get the stock stuff pulled off and everything prepped. This way when everything arrives I can get right to the installation. After my seat is situated its game on for the rear fender shortening project >3
I’ll make this as straight forward as possible since its a mostly simple removal. The biggest watch-outs are to not strip any bolts that you plan to re-use, and be careful around all the surrounding paint and parts like your shock springs, frame, wiring and the side cover cases.
Below is a quick and dirty video as well as some marked photos that highlight a few challenges I had. See captions below and that’s that! Reach out if you run into anything specific, otherwise, but this one is quite simple...good luck!

At :42 seconds in the above video you will see me put a 1/2 inch wrench onto this bolt under the fender. Use your socket/drill with a T40 torx bit for the bolt on the top of the fender.

Use a pair of vice grips to grab the bolt (see above) that holds the taillight on the frame support. There are no threads on this section of the bolt so you don't have to worry about damage to the bolt...

Close-up shot to show how I zip-tied the wires for the blinkers. Seems obvious and simple, but believe me doing stuff like this will save you a lot of headaches down the road....